Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Together for a better internet

On Tuesday, 8 February 2022 we celebrated the 19th edition of Safer Internet Day (SID) with actions taking place right across the globe. With a theme once again of "Together for a better internet", the day called upon all stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people. In our school, IIS ACCIAIUOLI-EINAUDI, Ipsia G.Marconi, Ortona Italy we realised we created infographics to share with the school community for a conscious use of the web and to avoid unpleasant inconveniences when surfing the net!!!

Link for the dissemination 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Our 3rd Online Workshop- Media Smart Citizens of Future Mark Safer Internet Day

In order to mark Safer Internet Day, we have decided to organize our third online workshop on the topic of media literacy as a part of our project Media Smart Citizens of Future but this time, just for our partner and guest teachers.

The workshop Media Literacy in Teacher Education was conducted by our Croatian partners, Helga Kraljik and Ankica Šarić. Although media literacy is a pretty extensive topic, we managed to get a general overview with special attention being paid to netiquette, differentiating media, fake news and the use of images in the media. Besides learning about media literacy, the goal of the workshop was to show that media literacy can be taught throughout different subjects. Because of the trending topic, teachers have taken an active role discussing the influence of media and analysing fake news as well as deconstructing images from different types of media like advertisements, memes, social media posts and stories where we ourselves become creators of the news.

Croatian language teachers, Sanja Jelaković Kühner, Željka Brezni, Helga Kraljik and Ankica Šarić, have also shared their example of good practice @visejezicnostussbjj project the goal of which is to promote multilingualism as well as innovative teaching, digital and transversal skills through various national and international activities. This is also the project where students learn about media literacy.

All in all, this was an interesting workshop where teachers took the role usually dedicated to students.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Our second virtual activity "We don't need no ads...or do we?"

In the period in which we cannot actualize our physical mobilities, we go on organizing virtual activities in line with the planned project LTTAs…

Our 2nd online project workshop was realized under the coordinatorship of Portugal, Nuno Paulo Santos. It was about advertisements. 

During the event, the pupils watched some ad videos and tried to find hidden messages, created slogans for the products of their own choices and PSAs (Public Service Announcement) for corona vaccines. Moreover, they discussed on how ads may filter people’s perceptions and beliefs, shape popular culture and influence personal choices. 

Thanks to this event, pupils gained deeper insights about coping with the manipulations by ads encountered in our everyday lives and being judicious consumers; developed a critical approach to commercial communication which enables us to make informed choices and increased their awareness of media manipulation about shaping the popular culture.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Our 1st Online Project Workshop on Fake News Was Actualized

Without slowing down, we have got our virtual project activities started although we cannot realize our physical mobilities.

Our first online project workshop was realized under the coordinatorship of Lithuania. Jovita Žilinskienė and her American English teaching assistant Megan Rohn hosted for the online meeting on fake news. As is known, we live in the post-truth era, where the phenomenon “fake news” shows up, and most people are victims of fake news and misinformation, which smears their visions of the world. That is why it is of utmost significance to us to learn to tackle with fake news. In line with this purpose, during the online event, pupils, who were put into 5 different mixed country groups, critically analysed the pieces of news sources presented to them and tried to distinguish between true and fake news under the guidance of project teachers. Moreover, they brainstormed about the most important key words to spot fake news via Mentimeter (WEB2.0 tools). In the final part, a pupil from each country told about their country’s biggest fake news. 

In a nutshell, by virtue of this online workshop, not only did pupils take the first step to develop resilience to fake news but also they had a chance to bolster their communicative, intercultural, social, critical thinking and digital competences.

Keep following us … We will be back soon with other media literacy improving activities.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

We organized our first project meeting

On the 13th November 2020, we held up our first online meeting and discussed on our online activities during corona period. 

We worked on our project informative brochure to be handed out our neighboring schools and stakeholders. Also, we took some important decisions about the activities on eTwinning, our online activity about fake news with native speaker Megan, our common google drive, etc.

We are looking forward to organizing our next meetings...

Sunday, November 15, 2020

We have selected our project logo

 In collaboration with all partner schools, we selected our project logo. 

On eTwinning platform, each school uploaded 2 logos designed by the pupils, then all members on our project Twinspace voted for their choices. 

According to the result of the voting, Portugal partner's logo was chosen. 

 SAFER INTERNET DAY Together for a better internet On  Tuesday, 8 February 2022  we celebrated the 19th edition of  Safer Internet Day (SID)...