Thursday, January 14, 2021

Our second virtual activity "We don't need no ads...or do we?"

In the period in which we cannot actualize our physical mobilities, we go on organizing virtual activities in line with the planned project LTTAs…

Our 2nd online project workshop was realized under the coordinatorship of Portugal, Nuno Paulo Santos. It was about advertisements. 

During the event, the pupils watched some ad videos and tried to find hidden messages, created slogans for the products of their own choices and PSAs (Public Service Announcement) for corona vaccines. Moreover, they discussed on how ads may filter people’s perceptions and beliefs, shape popular culture and influence personal choices. 

Thanks to this event, pupils gained deeper insights about coping with the manipulations by ads encountered in our everyday lives and being judicious consumers; developed a critical approach to commercial communication which enables us to make informed choices and increased their awareness of media manipulation about shaping the popular culture.

 SAFER INTERNET DAY Together for a better internet On  Tuesday, 8 February 2022  we celebrated the 19th edition of  Safer Internet Day (SID)...